Holophile produces high quality custom-image holograms to help meet the
corporate marketing objectives of our clients. We work closely with our
clients to design and develop imagery that is memorable, with high
visual impact. The applications range from holograms used to attract
customers and prospect at trade shows to mass produced images included
in publications and specialty advertising products. Clients served
American Gas Association (Knoxville World's Fair)
Holograms were used to depict a methane molecule and future uses of
natural gas. The achromatic and rainbow holograms were produced by
Stephen A. Benton, the inventor of white-light transmission holography.
These holograms were the first to be sold for commercial application by
the Polaroid Corporation.

(Photos by Paul D. Barefoot)
Two achromatic (single color) holograms depict a futuristic methane-powered building and bus (two views).
The Coca-Cola Company (Centennial Celebration, Atlanta)
Ten bottles and an icy fountain glass of Coke were displayed at the
Coca-Cola Centennial...but viewers couldn't take a sip. The bottles and
glass were actually holographic images in a triptych featured at one of
the largest private parties ever staged.

The Canary Island Tourism Board
ASTA, Acapulco

Now you see it -- now you don't.
The canary magically disappears
and re-appears as the gloved
hands turn in mid-air.
(Photo by Rosemary H. Jackson)
Cooper Industries/Halo Lighting
Corporate Offices, Chicago
International Business Machines
College Recruitment Program tour to U.S. Campuses
Two 13"x13" holograms depicting the earth in space are mounted overhead on two
high-end Virtual Reality Theater systems with full custom 3D content. As viewers
walk by, an IBM logo appears and floats eight inches in front of the holographic
plates. The systems travel separately to career fairs at US colleges and
universities, industry-related trade shows and various IBM sponsored events.

(Photo by Paul D. Barefoot)
M&T Chemicals
Nepcon West, Anaheim
Museum of Holography
Famous New Yorkers, Hall of Fame
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Agency Operations Center (NSOC)
Visitors to the National Security Agency Operations Center (NSOC) at Fort Meade, MD are greeted by a 40" x 30" hologram depicting a EC-121 aircraft, projected into space 20 inches in front of the holographic film. 31 stars encircle the aircraft just aft of its wings. NSOC was formed from the need for a coordinated response to the downing of an American electronic surveillance aircraft by North Korea in 1969. The 31 stars symbolize the 31 American lives lost, whose names appear on an adjacent plaque.

Pfizer, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
The Pfizer headquarters in New York City were recently renovated. Featured in the new motif are three employee award walls. Holophile worked with Holographics North to produce three 20" x 40" holograms of the Pfizer logo installed on three floors. The images are reconstructed with LED sources in order to maintain a deep blue. Floating 18" in front of the wall, the logo spins as viewers walk by.
Practice-wide Innovation Award
Holophile developed with PwC the "I-Award" to showcase PwC's most innovative and creative work and to acknowledge the important contributions of partners and staffs in 15 project teams worldwide.
Two 3-dimensional images were created and combined as a 2-channel photopolymer hologram that was mounted on the Award and illuminated by its own light source.

(Photo by Gordon Baker)
Raytheon Canada, Ltd. (Paris Air Show)
Amazed visitors lingered near the image of an airplane projected in
front of the display at the Raytheon booth. The illusion was a
holographic stereogram--a hologram made from 35mm motion picture
footage--depicting an aircraft guided by Raytheon's radar RAMP tower
landing on a 10,000 ft. runway.

The airfield stereogram, a meter square, was complemented by another 4'x3' hologram
of a life-size air traffic controller seated at a Raytheon radar console.

Rheometrics, Inc.
National Plastics Exposition, Chicago
Samsung Electronics (Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas)
Uncanny, life-like holographic portraits of U.S. Olympic athletes
highlighted a Samsung salute to the Summer Games at the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel)
This Polaroid "Mirage" hologram was included in the Institute's
fund-raising publication, "The Weizmann Institute of Science:
Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow." This hologram is the largest commercial
hologram produced by the Polaroid Corporation to date using their
patented photo polymer process.

(Photo by Paul D. Barefoot)
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