Commentary from the media about our products:
"Spectral Imagery explained our competitive advantages in a
highly entertaining manner. People who watched virtually any portion of
the presentation were educated. They were already qualified, and started
asking questions that usually didn't occur for about 20 minutes of one-on-one."
Exhibitor Magazine
"Spectral Imagery transformed their company spokesperson into
a 3-dimensional image on a small stage with real-life objects. A 12" high,
full color ghost walked and talked to amazed audiences."
USA Today
Conrad Roentgen, who discovered x-rays, appears as a 3-D Spectral Image and
discusses Computed Radiology for Fuji Medical Systems.
"...attracted spectators as if they were children magnetically
drawn to a puppet show."
Business News Publishing
"IBM recruiters tote a giant hologram display with them hoping students will stop and say, 'Wow, what's that?' says Dave Farrell, IBM's manager of college recruiting."
The Wall Street Journal
"It's the magic of holograms... pictures made with lasers and mirrors that look ready to leap off the wall and into your arms."
The Hartford Courant
"Cool it is... once you get over the fun-house shock of seeing reality dissolve into illusion. And in the realm of photographic make-believe, nothing is more disarmingly real--or is it illusory?--than these holograms"
The Portsmouth Daily Press
"A vision of the future... science plays tricks on the eyes."
The Winston-Salem Journal
"...a fascinating, 3-dimensional look at images captured from nature... absolutely startling."
The Middletown Press
"It's almost like you're in a zoo... life-like holograms of barn owls, lion cubs, a python and a vulture don't appear as though they are contained in a frame, but in mini-habitats... the images come alive--so much that you might be tempted to touch them."
The Clinton Recorder
"Holy Holography! Animals, athletes and ancient man almost come to life... Many of these images
shimmer with a sly wit that plays off the evanescent nature of holographic images."
Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY)

The 10-inch high, 3-dimensional image of DaVinci is projected onto a miniature stage set as a museum gallery. Searching for his most famous portrait, he has come to rescue Mona Lisa and take her to a new studio of higher opportunity - a career with IBM. Mona comes alive, and as she talks with Leonardo, he uses his paintbrush to display images about the company on an adjacent wall painting
"The finished product makes life easier for the IBM recruiters, who can set up the kiosks themselves with little effort. Plus, the images look really cool and the script is fun, but it still informs the audience about IBM, so they naturally gravitate to the booth."
"This presentation system can convey huge amounts of information in a stimulating and highly memorable way. It's an excellent
vehicle to differentiate the company on a crowded exhibit floor."
"One of the most remarkable and truly innovative exhibits is a Spectral Imagery display in which the visitor is transported
back in time to where Connecticut's contributions to aviation history are recounted through two
historically significant aviation pioneers."